Tagged: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Tweet Anthology 2

After first Tweet Anthology (here), this is a selection of my tweets from Dec 2016 up to now. When I reply to another tweet, the person’s tweet is in italics.


I ran in California and I won easily because I was an outsider at that time and they looked for an outsider. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

Europe is looking for an outsider, let’s make Arnold President of the United States of Europe (see here).

The #MEGA Schwarzenegger will Make Europe Great Again.


In How the Other Half Lives (1890), an early sociology of New York City, J. Riis (Danish-American: see here) said Jewtown and Little Italy were dirty but black neighborhoods were clean.


Supposed outpouring of online hatred against Jo Cox, a murdered MP, was exaggerated. (The Economist)

The deliberate exaggeration could not even prevent Brexit.


Sweden public broadcaster aired as “science” claims women shorter than men because parents subconsciously feed girls less. (Kevin MacDonald) – Not even Swedes could be this stupid, could they?

Many Swedes are paid by their government to be stupid.

It takes a lot of work to get there. But they’ve made a success of it.

A typical Swedish success story.

But immigrants will help Sweden be a more balanced country.



Most gays are bisexual (cf Dr Robin Baker). They get sex training with guys, then apply their training with girls. They learn with their male companions good techniques with which a straight guy’s cannot compare. Gays learn with men to overcome shyness with women in every circumstance. It is easier to learn with men because men are sex-crazed. Gays get a crash course while you take the long way, but time is money.


Why a liberal arts degree holds value in the second machine age. – Skills that make all workers valuable –even those in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) careers– are boosted, not diminished, by a liberal arts education. (Michigan Future Inc.)

Companies have been praising liberal arts degrees for 50 years. Just talking.

Think in terms of motivation. Why would these students want to work for a company? They’re taking liberal arts degrees because they hate the idea of working for business.


Kevin MacDonald: Ethnocentrism is normal and rational.

In fact, women are xenophiles since chimp females have been mating outside their group. [So that makes men acceptive of female foreigners too.] And high-status men do not care about immigration because it does not affect their fitness. [Actually, business benefits from low-wage immigration.] Ethnocentrism is normal for low-status men.


If I see myself as a Conservative, then I see my public as unbookish. You don’t sell books to people who don’t read.


A Nation of Suckers: Everybody with Deepthroat to regenerate American public life!

Woodward should have taken the opportunity [a recent interview] to apologize for the pseudo ‘Deepthroat.’ It’s not too late. [Deepthroat was Mark Felt, but who gave him that name, and if Mark Felt gave it to himself why did the journos have to take it?]


Morocco bans production and sale of burqas. (Saudi Gazette)

Moroccans have no class.


Each time I’m looking for a Conservative girl, she’s got tranny friends…

Each time I’m looking for a Conservative girl, she’s posing with black men…

I know a Conservative white girl who’s so concerned she may be labelled a racist that she’s only dating black boys. There’s nothing a black boy can’t obtain from a Conservative white girl who’s concerned about being labelled a racist.


Remember Rachel Corrie.

Even the Chinese had stopped their tanks on Tian An Men.


Saudi Arabia has an economic interest in allowing women to drive. (Brookings Institute)

Saudi Arabia has an economic interest in allowing hardcore pornography. So what?

Self-driving cars are already there, waiting to be used. Saudi women will be driving cars when there are no more cars to drive, only self-driving cars.

[Nobody ever thought of Saudi women’s right to drive cars before self-driving cars made that right utterly pointless.]


Saudi Arabia’s strict religious rules cost its economy tens of billions every year. (Voxdotcom)

They can afford it, don’t you worry. On the other hand Christians would not sacrifice a cent for their religion’s sake. [God is obviously with those who can afford gratuitous acts, not with those who must devote the whole of their activity to being kept afloat.]


The difference between a Conservative and his Muslim foes is that Muslims are Conservatives.



Bernie Sanders is eating Maine lobster and gulf shrimp with saffron just now, sipping 2013 arroyo vista chardonnay.

Now Bernie Sanders is enjoying seven hills angus beef with chocolate and juniper jus and gratin, with a glass of black stallion 2012 limited release cabernet sauvignon. (All these things Bernie’s supporters have no idea of…)

Keep tuned to know the exact time Bernie Sanders will be enjoying chocolate soufflé with Korbel special cuvée champagne.


There is no such thing as #subliminal #advertising #suckers

jacket2-2(Courtesy of Eric McLuhan)


The reason women in Israel have less problems with rape than women living in Angela Merkel’s destroyed Germany [tweeted as caption to a picture showing Israeli women in military uniform and with guns].

The lack of sexiness of their accoutrement would repel the most accomplished rapist.

a/Jeynie J: So what you’re saying is, discerning rapists only target fashionably dressed women? Do tell us more.

You don’t have to be fashionable to be sexy.

I thought you were going to tell us more about how rapists choose their victims. I’m waiting to be educated.

First thing, they choose them so as to be able to perform or commit the act physiologically.

Up-thread you snarked that the ugly uniforms of the Israeli women would deter a rapist. Are you implying that a rape victim bears responsibility for her (or his) plight? The classic “she asked for it”??

Do you see another explanation?

What would you think if you learnt most rape victims wore miniskirts when they were raped by a stranger?

I’d think I’d need to see your statistics and the source from which they came.

You’d learn rape from a familiar person (family rape or date rape) is the most frequent by far.

But yes, I do see another explanation: the rapist. No victim ever bears responsibility, regardless of dress.

Of course the rapist goes to jail when caught. I may even agree he should be executed.

What does a rapist’s sentence have to do with his motivation?

Stepfathers are the greatest rapists. For them it doesn’t matter what you wear.

[I give myself the last word in this interesting conversation, as the last words of my female contender were words of abuse and I do not wish to displease my reader with these.

I apologize for having no experience in rape and forced sex and for talking from books and conjecture. I admit that I fail to see, now that I think of it, how I could have an erection trying to rape a stranger as sexual predators do but I also acknowledge that there surely are techniques to get aroused in such circumstances or to perform full-penetration rape without full erection –which makes my argument about an alleged required sexiness of the victim specious. However, albeit I don’t rely on police or judicial records, the fact that generally speaking victims of rape are scantily clothed when they are raped must be true, for according to studies 1/rape is conducive to pregnancy more often than consensual sex and 2/ovulating women wear scantier clothing than on average. In my mind it makes no doubt that 2 is the cause of 1 and that sexual predators choose scantily clothed victims, whether it be because they are aroused by them or not.]

b/ Mr W.: Not real good with strong women, pajama boy?

Your girlfriend carries the guns, all right, so what are you doing? Patching your petticoat, petticoat?

c/ Dan G.: Are these beauties good enough for ya? [adding another picture of Israeli female soldiers. I take the opportunity to stress here that women in the Israeli army, although they receive some military training, are not due to fighting on the battlefield.]

They were all raped by Israeli starred officers and some by Israeli politicians into the bargain. [The reason for this reply will be apparent from the next discussion, below.]

I’m guessing you don’t like women very much, eh?

Not when they’re damaged goods.

d/ Julie F.: It take a rapist to know a rapist. How many women have you raped?

If you know what I am, you must be like me, then. How many have you?

It takes a rapist to know “it take a rapist to know a rapist.” You’re a darn rapist and I’ll let your neighbors know.


The reason women in Israel have less problems with rape than women living in Angela Merkel’s destroyed Germany [This is another discussion starting from the same thought which, by the way, was tweeted by Hollywood actor and staunch Trump supporter James Woods.]

I’m told women in Saudi Arabia don’t have too much problem with rape either.

Not true.

Indeed there’s a lot of raping in Israel.

[Here I’m compelled to rely on my memory as my contender eventually blocked me, making it impossible for me to retrieve his tweets any more. After I had said a lot of rapes occurred in Israel, he came with the rather unexpected estimate, found on the internet, of one out of three women being raped. Then, as he felt he had given me ammunition in the argument, he claimed these rapes were all (literally) made by black immigrants and that Israel had the same problem as Germany and other European countries with an alleged rape wave caused by immigrants (in spite of Israeli women’s carrying big guns, by the way). To which I made the following answer.]

4M women [Israel’s population is 8M]=>about 1.3M women raped. 85,000 Africans, let’s say 50,000 males. That makes 26 Israeli women for each African. If half of them are rapists, it’s ~50 women raped by each rapist. If one fifth of African males are rapists, each rapists rapes ~130 women. If one tenth of the African Israeli male population are rapists, each rapist rapes more than 250 women.


Senate Democrats to Stage All-Night Talkathon against Betsy DeVos.

These fellows have no consideration for the Senate’s staff.


‘People Who Read Breitbart’ Targeted in £60 Million Government Propaganda War on ‘Far Right’ by Saatchi & Saatchi. (Kevin MacDonald)

Look for embedded subliminal penises, fellatios, pedophilia and bestiality in the campaign billboards. You’ll find.


World leaders come in one of two flavors: Zionist Sycophant or Absolute COWARD. They both taste horrible.

May I add a third: those who are Zionist sycophants because they’re absolute cowards.


Fans of Elizabeth Warren Play the Sexist Card One More Time.

When you’ve got only one card to play, you’ve got to play it.


My advice to Conservatives, stop saying to the Libs “you’re the real racists,” just say “racists.” Victory is achieved by those who call their opponents racist more than their opponents call them racist. The time it takes you to tell your opponents “you’re the real racists,” they can call you a racist twice.


I used to come out as a gay so the men would lower their guard and I was very successful with their girlfriends. Try it.

If you think you’re safe because your mate’s friends are gays you’re badly mistaken. Your gay friend won’t take your mate away, correct.


90% of gays are bi. Being gay is the way you impregnate women at no (or minimal) cost.


Valentine, the one saint known by Protestant America. They only take those who help sell.

[In reply to users who objected to Valentine Day being banned in some Muslim countries like Pakistan] Why should Muslims, but even Protestants, partake in the worship of this saint? Protestantism is based on the rejection of the worship of saints. Valentine Day shows how deep marketing brainwashing goes.


Can you be my Valentine for one day?

I guess it’s asking too much, even for just one day…


I don’t like the way she’s wearing her veil, it’s like she’s wearing no veil at all.


“Christians are oppressed and persecuted in USA”. Makes sense: after all, they are an endangered minority of only 83%. (Richard Dawkins) [According to another user, the actual figure is more like 70%.]

The truth of the statement does not depend on that figure alone but also on the relative status of the majority. If your status is higher than a Christian and you abuse him for his faith, then you are an oppressor.


Israel interferes in our politics all the time, and it’s never a scandal. (Kevin MacDonald)

You mean that people are afraid to speak out? Some people speak out and these may be more acceptive of Muslim, anti-Zionist immigration. Immigration as bulletproof jacket.

We’ll get all the Muslims it takes to restore free speech, I will see to it.


Here To Love They Neighbor. [A comment on the so-called ‘’Muslim Ban’’]

They’ve got to love their “neighbor”: she’s their cleaning lady.

All Muslims are not terrorists, they’re also cleaning ladies and dustmen.


God made Obama president, yes. Even God makes mistakes. Pfff…

Attila was the Scourge of God. Obama is the Mistake of God.


Let me know how I can do more for the basic income movement.

You can share your income with me.

As long as you’re not at basic-level income, you don’t know what basic income is. Share.

If you share, you’ll get a share. In this world I can’t promise, but in the next, brother!


Could we imagine a world where the machine work for us while we just enjoy life?

Many people can’t. They see their wife at home and: thank god there’s work, to be out!


What did you promise the Russians in exchange for their hacking the election? (Laura P., ‘’Democratic political consultant,’’ to Donald Trump. I quote from memory as she blocked me after the following reply)

He promised you would help Russia with your lights.


It is important to remember, when engaging in paleontology, that there’s a risk it make you dry as a bone.


The FAKE NEWS media is the enemy of the American people (President Trump). – That’s great, Donald, but the last time a U.S. president told me who my enemy was, 600,000 Iraqis died for no reason.

It won’t take troops against these, a good spanking will suffice.


Freedom of the press: the press is not free from private interests.

The privately owned press, that is, some private interests, call themselves the pillar of democracy. Sheep agree.

The press is controlled by undemocratic, private interests that are far more powerful than states. People know what I’m saying is true, but they dare not articulate it, for labelling power’s not theirs. The people repress the obvious about the nature of media. They dream a life of two hundred years ago. They obscurely feel that escaping the dream is dangerous, and it is, as it goes across powerful vested interests and would in any case estrange them from the herd.


I believe there were no porn videos in Osama Bin Laden’s house and that they said so in order to make him look like an a**hole.


Bill Gates: Job-stealing robots should pay income taxes.

Disagree. If robots can do these jobs, they are inhuman jobs and robots are our liberators. To think that there are still people who’re doing robots’ jobs gives me the shivers.


Why has the Iranian regime become so fond of tourism in Albania? + link (Iran Freedom)

That someone got fond of tourism in Albania was long overdue.


Robots are going to replace most jobs. How are people going to get money to live on?

Shoplifting has long ceased to be a heinous crime.


When does a robot have personality? When he hates humans.


…find the leakers within the FBI itself. Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S. FIND NOW. (Donald Trump)

For a long time U.S. services have set up a whole system of leaks from U.S. to Israel. Read They Dare To Speak Out by Paul Findley. American spies have spied on their own land for decades on Israel’s behalf. Leaking stuff is what they’re best at, after all these years spying on their own land for Israel.


(To a Dr somebody making policical comments) One day doctors will find out they were speaking in the name of science like children.


In response to Trump’s dissing of Mexico, Mexicans are boycotting Starbucks and other U.S. chains.

So funny knowing Starbucks’s CEO did the best he could to appear as anti Trump.


Calling the press scoundrels, which they are, is not restricting the press.

As far as I know freedom of speech extends to the president as well. Journalists want to shut him up. Grant the president free speech for a change. The press can’t handle criticism.


(In reply to the outrage raised by Trump’s announcement that he would not attend the White House Correspondents’ Association this year)

The president has no mandate to attend and waste his time with bores.


Try giving your opinion diplomatically instead of attacking and attempting to take down an American business. (A tweet to President Trump about the New York Times)

The president has no mandate to spare the susceptibility of scoundrels.


Treason – google it, Donald Trump (Rosie)

When I start typing “treason” on Google, Google completes with “treacle on my p*ssy, lick it.” Why?
















Tweet Anthology

This is an anthology of my tweets from September to December 2016. Feel free to follow me on Twitter: @florboucharel.

When one of my tweets is actually a reply to another tweet, which content is needed for a good understanding, the preceding tweet is in italics. I name the author when this is relevant, either because the person is known or the source is another media. My tweet then follows below it.

Don’t be surprised, if you count characters, to see that some of the tweets are longer than the 140 characters allowed on Twitter: I have rewritten a few of them in accordance to standard spelling (no abbreviations left).

September 2016

Automated jobs aren’t coming back. What’s going to take their place?

A leisure shock… and some won’t survive it.


Leisure Shrine. From oil rent to robot rent: A new economic strategy for Gulf States to prevent toil shock.


Most absurd: Corporate bureaucracies on social networks, rigidly unilateral, pretending to be interactive.


Looks like humanities majors are the college grads taking the “non-college” jobs.

Yet companies are STILL interested in recruiting humanities majors. (They’ve been saying that for the last 50 years.)


Adidas releases images of the shoes that will be made in its super automated “speedfactory.”

The end of China’s ascent?


Automating the Gulf: “Robots are no Shiites, alhamdulillah.”


Hawking: “AI could spell end of human race.” Oscar Wilde: “The only thing one really knows about human nature is that it changes.”


Heard that, Trump supporters: Donald wants America to look more like Dubai.

The only interesting idea in this campaign trail so far.


Brexit. Self-fulfilling prophecies & self-filled prophets. Vide Dali, Young virgin auto-sodomized by the horns of her own chastity.


JASTA. Just Another Stupid Thing from America.


Chancellor Cantor on @Rutgers_Newark students: “I’m spending my time with the future of this country and this world.”



JASTA aka jestA, Just Another Silly Thingummy from America.


JASTA. Brotha, when you take commercial airplanes in your face, you should know it’s no time for jasting.

October 2016

Everyone should do what they can to insure Hillary’s win. Any disagreements are pale compared to the alternative. (Dr David S. Wilson)

What happens to the grades of those of your students who do not dislike Trump, I wonder… Regards.

Stupid innuendo based on no information. Can you stoop any lower?

Based on elementary psychology.


Trumpbashing. Scholars in election fuss: Students taken hostages.


Job Outsourcing by Multinationals. Everybody knows… but nobody knows who.


John Podesta made a characteristically bourgeois jab at Assange (‘’I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassy.’’)

Derogatory comments on Ecuadorian cuisine are odious hate speech.

After election: How does the risotto taste now, John Podesta?


Clinton Foundation extorts $1m from Qatar for being a military dwarf.


It reminds me of the comments before Brexit. They all “knew”… Such experts… Are they friends of yours?


To all commentators of American elections: Are Brexit commentators friends of yours?


To the brainwashed: Vote Hillary Clinton.


Please support the “Preserve Endangered Saudi Way of Life” campaign.



From Brexit to Election 2016. To those who see Donald Trump as dead man walking: Don’t tell me Brexit commentators are your mentors!

Brexit has proved intelligentsia is moron-entsia. They fail to deliver.

“It won’t pass” was the word until the very morning of June 24. To a man. Do you realize?


After Brexit the word was “UK’s economy will crash.” To a man. And now: Two banks cancel Brexit recession forecasts (Financial Times).


To the brainwashed: Vote Hillary Clinton.


Experts as Failures: From Brexit to Election 2016. [That was before the results and it has turned true, hasn’t it?]


“My dream is a hemispheric common market.” (Hillary Clinton) Does it include Russia?


A reminder to the brainwashed: Vote Hillary Clinton.


Brexit is a shame… upon “analysts” – who saw nothing coming and now keep silent about their resounding failure. Next: Election 2016.


No To Show Girls.

Saudi Arabia spearheads movement against commercial exploitation of women. Thumb up.


People who bet are losers to begin with. As a meritocrat you should know that [to Dr Erik Brynjolfson, who regularly gave his followers the odds of Trump winning Election 2016. If I remember well, Trump’s odds never rose above 20 or 25 per cent.]

What is the merit of making one’s fortune on a bet, that is, on luck?


Audience in Charlotte gives Trump a standing ovation when he says if companies like Ford ship out jobs, he’d pick up phone.

The way for DonaldTrump to really know about such moves as president is to adopt Senator Gary Peters’s outsourcing accountability bill. [For more on that bill, see here.]


Your staff [Julian Assange] has retweeted an article in French saying Wikileaks publishes “stolen” docs. I thought you had a line on word use. Regards. [No reply but the tweet was removed.]


Hollywood has eyes for Snowden only. Not for Julian Assange. Any idea why?

November 2016

I donated 100 euros to Wikileaks through Wau-Stiftung via PayPal but got no thanks nor feedback. Off-putting.


Watch Donna Brazile’s remake of the Bloods vs the Cribs. She’s one of the Cribs.


Clinton Foundation extorts $28m from Morocco for being a military dwarf.


Funniest b-movie ever: Dr Clinton and Mrs Riggs.


Doonald (دونالد) like Doonald from MakDoonaldz (ماكدونالدز).



About Podesta mail “Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp. . . . Crush him as hard as you can.” (Wikileaks)

It’s only politicos’ crappy backroom rethoric. Nonsubject.


Is media buzz on Twitter’s financial situation a concerted operation against Wikileaks, shying people away from leaks exposure?


I suggest Clinton Foundation may benefit privately from the American military shield to these countries [Qatar, Morocco, &c].


If these polls are based on interviews, given media Trumpbashing many people must be reluctant to say they will vote Trump. But they will. [And they did.]


Eh, Conservatives, stop boasting of your marital status and children. It’s boasting.


Californians, we have to stand up and protect our plastic bag ban. Vote Yes on 67! (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nov. 7)

Presidential elections are so boring!


Many say they wanna go to Canada. Let them spend one winter there. They’ll come back, or live on their yachts, like sea vagrants.


A reaction to a tweet alleging that the media wanted Trump to win and made him win:

If the media did, it did it in a very very oblique way, like they knew insulting someone would get them elected.


Obama’s Kill List

They had a man on their kill list, sent a drone attaking his car, the man was not alone in the car, they all died.

The kill list means the man on the list plus any person crazy enough to take a ride with him (even hitchers).

So let us know the people on the kill list so we can save our lives.


HRC got 89% of Black vote, 71% of Jewish vote, 63% of Hispanic vote, 55% of Asian vote, 40% of White vote (including Jewish vote).

Don’t forget historic volumes of dead, inelligible, & duplicate votes… clinton won a 100% of those!

May the dead rest in peace now.

Given 1/20 Jews (and some Arabs) among Whites in U.S., this 40% White vote makes a maximum of 36.5% “Wasp” vote for HRC.

At about 65% for Trump, Wasp vote (although that includes Catholics and others) is clearly becoming communautarist in U.S.


Last December, Boris Johnson said, “The only reason I wouldn’t go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.” (Richard Dawkins)

Why, he goes to the same places as billionaire Trump!


Newsweek recalls 125000 copies of its magazine whose cover shows Clinton winning the US presidential election.

Don’t blame them: They did all that to avoid totalitarianism in U.S. (Kidding.)


Big Brother Julian is watching you. Don’t mess around with the future for the sake of present vested interests.

Big Brother Julian is watching you. Anything to hide? Don’t even think of it.


As Trump Leaves Press Behind for Steak Dinner …the press that vilified him whines. (James Woods)

Don’t go out for a steak without throwing bones to journalists.

Donald Trump prefers his steak well down AKA the worst possible way. (The Huffington Post)

And how do you like the bones, journalists?


Thank you for coming to see us! We hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we enjoyed showing your our new museum galleries, Arnold Schwarzenegger! (Richard Nixon Library)

I always hated that the justice warriors of those days called themselves Deep Throat, boasting their equities in porn.


Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon R. Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats.’ (Kevin MacDonald)

He’s got baseball bats in the belfry.


To Richard Dawkins: The reason U.S. is so strong in science is the freedom the people there have not to believe in it.


As about all other media were sycophants for the other candidate, Wikileaks is part of checks and balances, I guess.

Make no mistake, what’s “wrong” with Wikileaks is not that it advanced the fortunes of a candidate, but of the wrong one.

Wikileaks should acknowledge that it did its best to undermine HRC’s candidacy. And that it worked mighty well.


Montebourg as minister wanted to induce companies to relocalize in France with subsidies to automatize.

Relocalizing is not necessarily about jobs, it can be about productivity.


Meet Lakshmi, the banking robot from Chennai.

We now know banking can be made by robots. The sooner robots replace bankers the better. My heartfelt thanks to Lakshmi! [Of course I’m joking, Lakshmi only replies to customers’s queries at your local branch. And yet…]


Israel’s ‘Helicopter #Drone Gift’ to #Russia makes USA uneasy. Fearing exposing of its technology, USA demands explanation from Israel. (Newscast Pratashya)

Explanation may be the drone was U.S.’s gift to Israel to begin with, so USA might as well demand explanations to themselves.


We cannot afford to lose the war on poverty.

We’ve afforded it all right for the last couple of million years.


‘Meme’ is a useless word (see Randy Thornhill). Or it only means: a word as its occurrence is quantified on WWW.

December 2016

I published classic poetry and threw my free-verse poetry & now I’m appalled because I may have been successful with the latter.

I wouldn’t have minded success from my free-verse poetry…

…but I burnt it all… for the sake of what I would call an ideology of classicism.


I wish the Chinese had taken my job away.


“Dutch Disease”: When oil/gas abounds, manufacture declines. People just hate working.

Robotics is like oil: a ‘Dutch disease.’ & contrary to oil it is here to stay.


Merkel says ‘only right’ to expect multinationals to pay taxes. (Saudi Gazette)

It’s more common to give them tax breaks so they invest in your country. What can Merkel do about that? Nuffin, poor thing.


There are 3.5 million cashier jobs in the United States.

And many of them are discourteous whereas machines are always polite.

Many cashiers are discourteous whereas machines are always polite. Have you noticed?

I see there’s an issue with manners & eye-rolling. The solution: Machines.


Civil servants are human “expert systems.” We don’t need them anymore.


Retweet if you think Gen. Mattis must keep his bags under the eyes and not have them removed them surgically like so many others.

He’s got the bags under the eyes for the job.


BMW’s current campaign is about “driving pleasure,” but it’s soon over. With the ascent of self-driving cars we won’t let people drive, it’s too dangerous.

Self-driving cars will put an end to traffic death toll, on the proviso that men stop driving altogether.


Yesterday they were saying: “Obama POTUS is the account with most followers on Twitter.” Today…

…they say: “What’s that President who thinks like tweeting?!”


How does he have time for a radio show, golf, touring AND doing all these interviews?! Heck, we’re not complaining! (Nights with Alice) [About Night with Alice: ”Top-notch classic rock radio show hosted by THE Alice Cooper”]

Golf is decadent. [Through all his career, Alice Cooper was called by some a decadent. Now he is playing golf, that was overlooking the one-man moral lobby that I am, for which it is golf that is decadent.]


Tourists disappointed as strike closes Eiffel Tower for second day.

French office of tourism has issued an apology: “To all kind foreigners who’re visiting us: Pucker up, you can kiss my a**’’

EiffelTower goes dark in solidarity with people of Aleppo. (Saudi Gazette)

The personnel at Eiffel Tower have been on strike (cf one of your earlier tweets). Maybe they cut the power too?


Mexico uncovers tunnels leading to US. (Bangkok Post)

This is a reminder for Donald Trump to build the wall, all right, but deep enough.

And I mean real deep, like you can’t go deeper without being dipped in the melted core of the earth.

After that, to detect illegals check if they’ve got bottoms like baboons’.


Are we talking about the same cyberattack where it was revealed that head of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to the debate? (Donald Trump)

Donna Brazile was the cheating crib.

At school they told me cribs are bad. I wish I’d never listened to them coz I’d be candidate to U.S. elections by now.