Tagged: Automation

Sign in for an AI prayers package (Tweet Anthology 5)

May-July 2017



Gorillas hum and sing while they eat to say, “do not disturb” (Scientific American)

Just try for yourself singing while you chew. Is that why gorillas are vanishing? Choking themselves to death too many a time?


If intelligence is a factor in reproductive success, we’d expect the sex where success variation is greater to be more intelligent, as intelligent individuals then reproduce comparatively more there. Yet, as you [Milord Matt Ridley] state that women are as intelligent as men [Ridley’s point is that women are as intelligent as men though in their own different way], it means the sex that doesn’t need intelligence as much is as intelligent as the sex who needs it more. Which doesn’t make sense, evolutionarily speaking.

Yet do not daughters inherit their fathers’ intelligence? Let’s be straight: the biggest cavemen breeded more but their daughters weren’t as big as their boys.

If women are as intelligent as men, then intelligence has not been a factor in reproductive success.

Now, regardless of whether both sexes are equally intelligent or not today, Trivers-Willard effect will give an advantage to men in the future, in case the concept of meritocracy is accurate. [According to Trivers-Willard effect, high-status people have more male than female offspring; and the concept of meritocracy means a correlation between high status and intelligence.]


How the recessive trait blondism can be preferred in women and not disappear unless it gives an advantage to men too, is beyond understanding.


You [Dr Randolph Nesse] wrote that chewing gum might be medically prescribed some day in order to prevent the weakening of our jaws due to processed food. But what’s wrong with weak jaws if we are going to eat processed food anyway? On the contrary, maintaining strong jaws where they are not needed puts one at a disadvantage: cf cave animals, troglomorphy.


True altruism seen in chimpanzees, giving clues to evolution of human cooperation (TVOL This View of Life)

Altruistic chimps will soon be a threat to mankind.

From David S. Wilson, one gets it clear that individual altruism is the way a group becomes dominant among other groups.This is the reason why the Ancients saw no moral value in altruism; they were seeking ataraxy. Depending on scale, altruism is called nepotism, parochialism, nationalism, racism… Theoretical world-scale altruism would be… free competition. [See Tweet Anthology 4: Darwinian Altruism here]


Already before Darwin wrote, Schopenhauer explained how Kant’s philosophy was compatible with evolutionism (then Lamarckism). (The passages from Schopenhauer I am thinking of are from Parerga und Paralipomena, 1851: (*) original German quotes at the end of this post. Compare The Origin of Species, 1859.) Darwinian “revolution” is more like: You’re correct, Lamarck, but rather things happen this way, not that way. To be sure scholars acknowledge evolutionist works before Darwin, yet for some reason they seem to think those were in the creationist mold.


Freemasonry historically has been banned in authoritarian governments. (@KSigMason, reacting to my tweets in Tweet Anthology 4 here)

Secret societies have no place in transparent societies.

So you’re against the right to assemble? You’re against the right to privacy?

I’m for public personalities disclosing their membership in any society they belong to.

Unpleasant suspicions necessarily arise from the existence of secret societies, as from any lack of transparency; trust is undermined. In societies that allow free speech and freedom of opinion, every association is free to pursue its aims, so secrecy is all the more suspicious. Secrecy then conceals unsound practices, such as eviction of merit, prevailed upon by occult connections.

That’s an assumption. Secrecy = privacy, and is necessary for a free society.

In secular states Freemasonry has outlived its mission. If it wants to continue existing as a religious community, that must be aboveboard.

Freemasonry is a fraternity not a religious community. It has not outlived its mission.

As to authoritarianism, Masons have been consistent supporters of authoritarian Maximato regime in Mexico. Calles, the Jefe Maximo, was awarded a Masonic medal, according to opponent Vasconcelos, whose friends were decimated by the Maximo’s thugs. Source: José Vasconcelos’s memoirs, La flama. Los de arriba en la Revolución. Historia y Tragedia (1959).


“By way of the saloon I had escaped from the narrowness of women’s influence.” (John Barleycorn, Jack London)

In the absence of saloons, enforcing the purdah is necessary to emancipate man from the pettycoat.


I block all accounts the tweets of which Twitter promotes on my timeline. Exhilarating. Try it.


Jerry Perenchio had a big vision & a bigger heart – he always gave back. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

A billionaire always gives back. You give him the finger, he gives you hell.


They say there’s an “underclass” of “permanently unemployed” people not skilled enough for any job. Then they hire unskilled wetbacks.


Artificial Intelligence


Sometimes AI tweeting bots can be naughty and impersonate you without your being asked:

People who were impersonated by anti-net neutrality spammers blast FCC (Federal Communications Commission)

Let’s make it clear, however, that MOST tweeting bots tweet in the name of people who gave their consent – to get more followers &c.

Do the people contracting such services have a veto on what the bots post in their name? I assume they can always delete the tweets –unless that’s considered a breach of contract– but do they allow each bot’s tweet ex ante on their timeline?

Deleting ex post a bot-generated tweet may be defined from start a breach of contract, in fact, as not a few of these tweets are advertising.

According to an informatician friend, for the time being many AI bots are people in the Indian subcontinent paid a mouthful of rice…


Program your tweeting bot to send your AI prayers to Tehran Attack’s and future attacks’ victims. Follow to know more.

Sign in for an AI prayers package! Each time Twitter buzzes with terror attacks, we tweet your prayers for you. So you can keep playing golf! Don’t be like a silly politician. Enjoy the day and send your prayers.

Of course we hope our bots won’t tweet your prayers to yourself some day! LOL


When you’re dead your AI bot will keep tweeting. If you were dull enough, no one will see the difference. #Immortality

This at the date of today. If you die 30 years from now and you were dull, people will see a difference, as ALL your tweets will now be so brilliant.


Who’s afraid of the robo-journos? Since The Associated Press adopted automation technology to write its earnings reports, “far fewer errors.” LOL

Automation. Step 1 robo-journos. Step 2 robo-politicos. #cooltech


Unilever has been hiring employees using brain games and artificial intelligence & it’s a huge success. (Nige Willson) (Article here)

US Supreme Court has declared IQ testing for recruitment unconstitutional. “Brain games” sounds very much like IQ testing, doesn’t it?

Let me qualify: “Employment testing is legal as long as a professionally-developed employment test is administered according to the test developer’s intended use.” Therefore: no general IQ testing, regardless of the fact that some say it’s the one best predictor of work productivity.

Now if you look at what Unilever gets from “HR service provider” Pymetrics (“AI screening”), it looks like general testing, does it not?

Is this outsourced AI screening through brain games professionally-developed (by branch) and developed for specific positions (by job)? No, neither one nor the other.


Bots have a really low # of followers, like 10, long number strings in their handle and joined relatively recently.

What the bots want you to believe…


The right to resist tyranny does not exist where the right to carry guns exists not. As if there could be no tyranny because of the ballot! Disarmed people can’t have their vote respected in case of electoral fraud.


Is nasal spray permissible [during Ramadan fast]? Sheikh Assim Alhakeem: If it contains a substance that would go down your throat, this breaks your fasting.

That seems to make swallowing rather than eating the object of Ramadan fasting. What about swallowing an object, like a marble, by accident, then?

I am walking down the street, a gnat enters my mouth and I swallow it by accident. Does it break the fast?


COeds’ Valium FEllatios on FEstering undead #covfefe


Do you support BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions]? Why don’t you boycott Israeli news media, then? Using Israeli media to fight Israel? Eating oranges from Israel will bring you vitamin C to fight Israel too!

BDS supporters don’t boycott Israeli media – as if that weren’t the first thing to boycott.


Mexico knows of walls already! “Defendiéndose de los aztecas, los coras fabricaron unas trincheras de más de 9 kilómetros” (F. Santamaría, Diccionario de americanismos)


Alien Covenant

The hero team’s uniform includes a Japanese WW2 cap hat. Reminder: 111,000 American casualties (dead or missing) in the Pacific war.

The exterminated civilization had Buddha statues. Read: Buddhism is irrelevant.

The evil android is a fan of Wagner, whose music is boycotted in Israel. So everything’s all right, baby!


Vogue Arabia just made history by gracing us with Halima Aden, making her the first ever hijabi model on a Vogue cover!!!! Women of colour are rising. Women of modesty are rising. And will continue to flourish even in the westernised fashion world. Mark my words. (@plasticrouge)

Just when white people start realizing this kind of things is gross media sexploitation…

Just when white women start realizing there is no modesty in the fashion world… To think there is anything modest about this cover, one must be seriously disturbed. With his right hand the man’s directing a phallic object close to her mouth [a pocket mirror or makeup kit seen from the side]. Then there’s the phrase New Look: a well-known nudity magazine. [Picture removed Nov 2022,12, so ugly it was: to find it, google Halima Aden Vogue.]


In his penultimate album Michael Jackson sang the offensive phrase “jew me” (verb to jew) – then he was so ashamed of himself that he died.


The next Thomas Edison lives in India’s slums? (101 East Al Jazeera)

“The next Edison”? The correct phrase is “the next Einstein.” Okay? Be careful.


My read of the evidence is that more investment (time, money, effort, accountability) in education helps. (Erik Brynjolfsson)

Money investment may yield poorly. ‘International ratings on investment’ ratio shows that France is throwing her money away with good conscience.


‘’It seems likely that when many first encounter the Black-White IQ gap, they think it environmental in origin because Blacks have faced horrific oppression and discrimination. The high Jewish IQ, however, immediately casts doubt on this intuition (as do copious data, which we have and will discuss) because Jewish people have also faced appalling discrimination throughout much of 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries (and well before, of course).’’ (Getting Voxed: Charles Murray, Ideology, and the Science of IQ, by by B Winegard and B Winegard with B Boutwell and TK Shackelford, published online, quillette.com, June 2, 2017 here)

Jews had a monopoly on money lending due to Christian interdict, whereas Blacks were slaves. Discrimination against the former did not include prohibition to acquire wealth, contrary to slavery in America – contrary to what was the lot of American slaves, and actually contrary to what was the lot of most European Christians under serfdom. So the environmental factor could well be cogent, once you look closely at what each “discrimination” entails.


#ThingsThatLeaveBritainReeling [After terror attacks in UK British Twitter users reacted with this hashtag to a newspaper article that used the phrase ‘’Britain left reeling’’ or something like that.]

When French boys come for linguistic courses and find the girls so easy the English boys can’t imagine.

When a British couple honeymoons in France and the woman tries to spot her deflorator in crowds.


Qatar for years positioned itself as a mediator of regional conflicts, now it is Qatar that is in need of mediation. (Kuwait & Oman may help) (Sultan Al-Qassemi)

The Clinton Foundation may help too. [See Tweet Anthology 1 here]


How anti-Chinese Berkeley students prevented Panda Express restaurant to open at their snobbish university: Berkeley students decry proposed Panda Express (SFGate, March 2009, article here)


Contemporary History. December 2012. When the journalist said the NEWS that day was HER OWN RAPE. Tahrir Square gang rapes (Egypt).


French small-business owners complain about Chinese businesses’ competition. Yet that’s free enterprise 101: Be a communautarist, you win.


Trump’s best ally against terrorism gives him the finger:

Saudi Arabia footballers ignore minute’s silence for London attack victims (The Guardian)


Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 aims at dismantling the greatest welfare state in the world; it will create a huge toil shock and thousands of terrorists. It overlooks the robots coming: Make it from oil rent to robot rent, don’t create a nasty toil shock. Vision 2030 wants to transform Saudis into Irish migrants to US: white slaves, downtrodden and fueled by whiskey.


What is dystopian to you is utopian to me. Rather robots ruling than those rich pigs and their politician minions.


Retweet if you want to restore death penalty for corrupt politicians.


Tired of Facebook? Try FaceBoko Haram.


Buy ISIS in Chains’ latest album Chainsaw the Miscreants.


Why ISIL rather than ISIS? Because Isis is also an Egyptian goddess and that creates noise for CIA bots’ searches.

Imagine the nightmare for CIA bots if Osama Bin Laden had been called David Smith or Pepito Garcia!


Commuters (London Subway), by Robert Doisneau Jr. #LondonBridge #artphotography


Burger King delivers in Britain. At the same time their French website says they don’t deliver here in France as their policy is to serve products in the best condition…


The economy has grown enormously in the past 35 years, but not everyone has shared in the prosperity. (Erik Brynjolfsson)

Even if everyone shares, it’s enough that some share more than others to make growth an aggravating factor. Cf ultimatum game.

With growth, even if everyone is better off in absolute numbers, those who benefit less are worse off in relative terms.

In a competitive system, opportunities depend on the relative terms.

Here you have the ultimate cause of the ultimatum game – of people refusing a net gain, seen as detrimental (consciously: insulting) to them.


Those who have read nothing are used to quoting Einstein.


Hillary Clinton used black prison labor: “Some of the black prisoners worked in their [the Clintons’] kitchen.”

She doesn’t even need the wetbacks. Except for their vote.


The Invisible Poor. Today the city poor is born in the city, not in the countryside; he dwindles in city environment chameleon-wise.


Given the taxes he pays, a bachelor can’t afford to keep a mistress. For that, one must be a married man.


Radical Muslims are serious about preventing cuckoldry, whereas Westerners are somnambulists.


Clones are not identical persons, yet they share the same genes. What do my genes have to do with me? Know thyself.

We need to clone more animals to study personality differences between individuals with identical sets of genes.


Wow what a blast from the past! I subscribed to Minitel when I lived in Paris 30 years ago – long before the internet. (Steve Gye)

Oh yeah memories, 3615 code Ulla, poster ads for “Minitel rose” (pink=porn Minitel) in every street and corner of France!


Remember how all the Hollywood stars used to stand up in public against apartheid South Africa? Silence in Hollywood re apartheid Israel…

Apartheid Boers used to say Israel was their model. Only they lacked Hollywood Boers, I guess.



Very embarrassing and even painful: no restroom in the saucer.


By legalizing porn our legislators have given to entrepreneurs whom none of them would dare call honorable the opportunity to become our aristocracy.


Discrimination in Employment in Saudi Arabia (Saudi Gazette)

Don’t discriminate against robots for they’re the future.


It’s summer, scholars have stopped tweeting.


Once Dominant, the United States Finds Itself Isolated at G-20 (New York Times)

NYT mourns over USA’s dominance like funky jingos.

And yet Macron said he didn’t quite agree with Merkel’s de facto endorsement of Trump’s stand on climate. Le Parisien, 9 juillet 2017, I translate: “Personally I would have done no more than take note of American withdrawal.” Whereas Merkel agreed to mention America’s endeavor toward “cleaner use of fossil energies” = endorsement. Once dominant, the US stays dominant thanks to their Merkel stooge.

But wait, that makes perfect sense: Just look at coal’s share in German energy mix! US and Germany hand in hand to keep coal burning.


Be warned. After years of anonymity on the Web you’ll find out there are no credentials on your real name nor on the real you.

July 2017

(*) ‘’Im Grunde jedoch sind alle jene Vorgänge, welche Kosmogonie und Geologie (als lange vor dem Dasein irgendeines erkennenden Wesens geschehn) vorauszusetzen uns nötigen, selbst nur eine Übersetzung in die Sprache unsers anschauenden Intellekts aus dem ihm nicht faßlichen Wesen an sich der Dinge. Denn ein Dasein an sich selbst haben jene Vorgänge nie gehabt, sowenig als die jetzt gegenwärtigen; sondern der Regressus an der Hand der Prinzipien a priori aller möglichen Erfahrung leitet, einigen empirischen Datis folgend, zu ihnen hin: er selbst aber ist nur die Verkettung einer Reihe bloßer Phänomene, die keine unbedingte Existenz haben.’’ (Paralipomena, Kapitel 6: Zur Philosophie und Wissenschaft der Natur § 85)

‘’Die allem Leben auf der Erde vorhergegangenen geologischen Vorgänge sind in gar keinem Bewußtsein dagewesen: nicht im eigenen, weil sie keines haben; nicht in einem fremden, weil keines dawar. Also hatten sie aus Mangel an jedem Subjekt gar kein objektives Dasein, d.h. sie waren überhaupt nicht, oder was bedeutet dann noch ihr Dagewesensein? –  Es ist im Grunde ein bloß hypothetisches: nämlich wenn zu jenen Urzeiten ein Bewußtsein dagewesen wäre, so würden in demselben solche Vorgänge sich dargestellt haben; dahin leitet uns der Regressus der Erscheinungen: also lag es im Wesen des Dinges an sich, sich in solchen Vorgängen darzustellen.’’ (Ibid. § 85 note F)

‘’Wir haben aber diese Steigerung uns zu denken nicht als in einer einzigen Linie, sondern in mehreren nebeneinander aufsteigenden. So z.B. ist einmal aus dem Ei eines Fisches ein Ophidier, ein andermal aus dieses seinem ein Saurier, zugleich aber aus dem eines andern Fisches ein Batrachier, dann aber aus dieses seinem ein Chelonier hervorgegangen, aus dem eines dritten eine Cetacee, etwan ein Delphin, später wieder hat eine Cetacee ein Phoka geboren und endlich einmal eine Phoka der Walroß; und vielleicht ist aus dem Ei der Ente das Schnabeltier und aus dem eines Straußen irgendein größeres Säugetier entstanden. Überhaupt muß der Vorgang in vielen Ländern der Erde zugleich und in gegenseitiger Unabhängigkeit stattgefunden haben, überall jedoch in sogleich bestimmten deutlichen Stufen, deren jede eine feste, bleibende Spezies gab, nicht aber in allmäligen verwischten Übergängen; also nicht nach Analogie eines von der untern Oktave bis zur obersten allmälig steigenden, folglich heulenden Tones, sondern nach der einer in bestimmten Absätzen aufsteigenden Tonleiter. Wir wollen es uns nicht verhehlen, daß wir danach die ersten Menschen uns zu denken hätten als in Asien vom Pongo (dessen Junges Orang-Utan heißt) und in Afrika vom Schimpanse[n] geboren, wiewol nicht als Affen, sondern sogleich als Menschen. Merkwürdig ist es, daß diesen Ursprung sogar ein Buddhaistischer Mythos lehrt, der zu finden ist in Isaac Jakob Schmidts >Forschungen über die Mongolen und Tibeter< (S. 210-214), wie auch in Klaproths >Fragments Bouddhiques< im >Nouveau Journal Asiatique< (1831, mars), desgleichen in Köppens >Die Lamaische Hierarchie< (S. 45).’’ (Ibid. § 91)









Journalist at Deeper Please Mister Advertiseman (Tweet Anthology 3)

March-April 2017. When I reply to another tweet, the person’s tweet is in italics.


Women are 50% of the population.

And that’s way too much, if you ask me.


As to intellectual enrichment from cultural diversity, you don’t need immigration for that: there is internet.


Why are pandas black and white? Mystery solved! (People’s Daily, China)

It’s designed to make them cute in the eyes of humans, so that humans, especially the Chinese, don’t destroy their natural habitat wholly.


A new 10% VAT (value-added tax) + $12k UBI (universal basic income) means that net payers are those consuming more than $120,000. (Scott Santens)

Then employers can substract $1,000 to the wages they are paying today. What will prevent them from doing that? On free markets employers are free to decrease wages. UBI = windfall for employers?

Because of the ability to refuse jobs, low demand jobs would likely need to pay more or automate. (S. Santens)

On the paper the ability to refuse jobs already exists. Yet people can take jobs for reasons other than money. Employers have more than monetary leverage. Take mobility. Some years ago a carmaker shut a plant down in France and offered the workers jobs in… India. UBI doesn’t completely suppress employers’ leverage; people will keep accepting jobs if they don’t want to move.

[Giving my contender the last word:]

But everyone has more leverage as employees and greater ability to live elsewhere than they do now.

[But, as elsewhere he said #Resist:]

Resist what? You want migrants to keep coming in, knowing they have no right to a basic income in your system? [Link]


Barack and Michelle Obama celebrate their $60m book deal at NYC eatery. (Daily Mail)

$60 million for a book: the salary of politics. At least Trump did not need politics to get rich.

What are you, a communist? That is scary. Free enterprise.

You scare easily.


Do you know where your beef is from? You don’t. That’s the problem. (Tomi Lahren)

They always say “Consumer is King” but when it’s about giving him the information it’s “No, Mister King.”


CACTOPUSSY is what you’d have if Nature cared about you. Retractile.


Communism and Marxism are not interchangeable terms: cf Bakunin. There were several tendencies or currents in the “International.” One was Marxist.

H. G. Wells, the writer, and a Socialist=Communist (favorable to collectivization): “I detest Karl Marx.” (The Outlook for Homo Sapiens)


‘’Humans are better equipped to understand other humans.’’ (Quote from “5 jobs robots will take last”)

Robots can do no worse a job than my fellow humans at understanding me.


Islam ruined the left. The defense of Islam is irony. (Maga Trumpgirl)

Women ruined the right.


Democrats now calling Tucker Carlson a Russian spy for Putin! This is McCarthyism & Americans will not forget it!

McCarthy was a Republican. Republicans spend their time burying their dead.


What if ‘’nongenetic’’ inheritance through telegony is true? [A recent scientific confirmation] Then people will base their decisions on a whole new set of considerations, won’t they? For instance, mating with a virgin lass will become essential (again).

What if telegony works in humans: are paternity tests valid? [A discrepancy might be due to telegony rather than cuckoldry.] [On telegony, with reference to Darwin, Konrad Lorenz, Otto Weininger, see my post here; German]


Is it haram or halal to eat pork from Memphis Meats, which is engineered from cells and not coming from actual animals?

They are making no pork yet (only chicken and duck) but is it worth their money investing in pork?

In some Muslim nations it is offensive just mentioning pork.

OK. Is it halal to eat any meat for which no animal was slaughtered, given the fact Muslims practice ritual slaughter? [Fatwa impending.]


Would it be ethical to engineer human flesh in that way, without killing people? [Memphis Meats makes meat from animal cells, without animals being actually slaughtered.] Cannibals say human flesh is the best, tasty even in the absence of seasoning (cf Sidney Langford Hinde, The Fall of the Congo Arabs, 1897).


“We are our choices” Sartre. So we’re made by advertising?


If immigration lowers IQ in the West (Nyborg), as a rule conservatives and far-right people have the same effect (Kanazawa).


There is such a thing as honorable behavior and it can be highly adaptive under the right circumstances. (Dr David Sloan Wilson)

Adaptive is making money; being an underpaid professor is not. Why do brainiacs choose not to make as much money as they are believed to be able to?


Automation now. Rather politician machines than machine politicians.


Until you make paternity tests compulsory by law:


Free trade and free markets are two distinct concepts. Singapore is a staunch advocate of free trade and yet hardly a free-market economy.


The robot industry is hiring. Do you have the skills? (Robohub)

No. People don’t want to be robots anymore. Get yourselves a few illegal immigrants.


I’d give away 10 Jean-Paul Gaultier for one veil like that. #Uyghur


This is the burger-flipping robot of the future.

Never a particle of nasal mucus (or worse) has been found on the hands of a burger-flipping robot. #Health


Octopuses and squids can rewrite their RNA. Is that why they’re so smart?

Animals are smart but I guess the biologists who torture them in their labs are smarter.


Living up to the Great Alpha Cannibal Ape God’s expectations.


(A female user commenting on Wall Street Journal article ‘’Young women in China go under the knife to get the ‘online-star face’: big eyes, long nose, high forehead and sharp chin’’) Sad. POTUS makes women feel even worse about themselves too. Misogyny amplifies dysmorphic disorders in women.

And dysmorphic disorders in women amplify misogyny.


(Commenting on ‘’This HuffPost article argues that white men should have their voting rights stripped & property redistributed’’) Un-fu*kingbelievable. (Dr Kevin MacDonald)

It’s all scam. Horrified you turn to the ad page and it’s so soothing you’ll buy the product out of sheer gratitude. [Kevin McDonald like this tweet.]


Chinese authorities “sinicising” Muslims by forcing them to remove Arabic signs. (Fahri Uyghur)

If they allow people in the region to learn Arabic, who will ever want to learn written Chinese, that unpractical system born of an elitist, exclusive mandarin caste?

Look at a typical mainland Chinese keyboard: a good old QWERTY US 104 Keyboard Layout. lol!


The good thing with aging is that you don’t need makeup anymore to look like Alice Cooper with makeup.


This deal [Iran-China on Arak heavy water reactor] worries me. The more I read, the more I think China is going to rule the world in the 21st Century.

Why not? They promised to stop eating dogs.


These Nigerian women are turning plastic bags into fashion accessories. (Al Jazeera English)

For those interested I turn fashion accessories into plastic bags. Contact me.


IQ tests measure your robot aptitudes, for which the robots are there that will do much better than you (left-hemisphere literacy). Worthless.


With a few well-known movies Hollywood sugarcoated US intervention in Vietnam. On neocortex plane it’s like “war is bad” but on paleocortex plane it’s truly war is beautiful and exciting and fun.


Disraeli was a Jewish white supremacist.


“States fall, arts fade – but Nature doth not die.” – Byron

Nature is overrated, in my opinion.


Why would God choose one people over all the others He created? Is He deranged?


For previous Tweet Anthologies entries, see Index.

April 23, 2017











