Tagged: Alice Cooper

Specialist in Albanian B Movies (Tweet Anthology 4)

April-May 2017. Others’ tweets are in italics.


A Fascist is anyone with the wrong shoes.



Imagine calling yourself grand dragon, cyclops, wizard &c straight from the books of the kiddies’ room. What would people think of you?

KKK’s Emperor W.J. Simmons on the Jew (1923): “His people is the chosen of Almighty God.”

Kool Kwality Klothes at Harry Karp’s; Kohn’s Korrect Klothes (advertisement posters, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews vol. 2, NOI Research Department, 2010, p. 418)

The Birth of a Movement: How Birth of a Nation Ignited the Battle for Civil Rights, by Dick Lehr (United Black Books)

“The greatest of the Hollywood movie studios, Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), was started by Jewish mogul Louis B. Mayer with the profits he earned from distributing the film.” (The Secret Relationship vol.2, p. 414)

[I also comment on The Secret Relationship vol. 1, 1st ed., 7th printing, pp. 203-4. Slavery among ancient Hebrews was not always as lenient as stated by the Jewish scholars quoted, for instance 1 Kings 4:6 “Adoniram son of Abda—in charge of forced labor” was Solomon’s overseer of the hosts of slaves who built the Temple of Jerusalem, quite Pharaoh-like. (One of the scholars quoted is a Dr Feingold claiming that Biblical slavery ‘’was of a precapitalist variety and had virtually no commerce connected with it. Unlike the situation in the plantation South, it did not shape the pastoral economy of ancient Israel which in any case found little use for masses of slaves.’’ So much for the little use.)

Intriguingly, on p. 220, one reads that white abolitionist senator Benjamin F. Wade called Jewish Confederate Judah Phillip Benjamin ‘’an Israelite with the principles of an Egyptian,’’ thus overlooking himself the Pharaoh-like slavery in vigor under Solomon for the latter’s monumental, pyramide-like projects. It is a little disappointing that people –Puritans– who seem to have read but one book do not even know it well.]


AJUpFront talks to a former Trump campaigner about why the majority of evangelical Christians voted for Trump. (Al Jazeera English)

Because they think he’s a Jew.


If you’re a woman on birth control, stop taking them. Embrace femininity and reject feminism. Have beautiful children and find true love. (David Duke)

Embrace femipicaninity.


Students are led to believe there are no jobs with a liberal arts education and that employment is the sole purpose of education. (Historian Andy Hernandez)

There are no jobs for liberal arts degrees as “culture is the occupation of the leisure class.” (Economist Tibor Scitovsky, in The Joyless Economy)

While I take your point, there are a growing number of employers wanting adaptability and critical thinking–hallmarks of the liberal arts.

Employers were already saying that in the 1950s: cf The Organization Man, by William H. Whyte. People take liberal arts degrees because they hate the idea of working for business.


Darwinian Altruism

Read Does Altruism Exist? (2015) by David Sloan Wilson if only to understand Ayn Rand’s both success and intellectual mediocrity.

Was Darwin an altruist (High-PRO), or would have mankind lost big if Darwin had spent his time helping others in his neighborhood? – Was deaf loner Beethoven prosocial?

Will the global village, i.e. the end of all subgroups, be the end of between-group competition–and altruism?

You [D.S. Wilson] have made an eloquent demonstration that altruism is the tool of supremacy–if there are to be several groups–, as individual altruism is the way one group becomes dominant among other groups.

You and I are no different. As a biologist you’ve studied worms, as an historian I’ve done the same.


If I’m a slave with no prospects of mating, shall I sacrifice my life for a chimp knowing he’ll reproduce and possesses 98.5% of my genes?


The Red Queen

“There is nothing inevitable about human nature.” (The Red Queen, by Matt Ridley) A fact often stressed by evolutionists and never accounted for by them.

Is there anything inevitable about chimpanzee nature?

As, at the same time, evolutionists call such isolating of humans from other animals ‘’hubristic,’’ they deprecate themselves (as evolutionists).

Environment pressures allow win-win situations but the Red Queen [sexual selection seen as an ‘’arms race’’] discards them. Your optimism does not seem rational, in fact. [Matt Ridley calls himself a ‘’rational optimist,’’ which is the title of one of his books, The Rational Optimist.]

The figures that you showcase [in The Evolution of Everything], global wealth, life expectancy, etc, are fundamentally immaterial because… of the Red Queen.

It’s fascinating that my hair receding is a good argument against my facts. (Matt Ridley, in reply to being called by someone a ‘’balding old Lord.’’)

You could also try to be above quoting the silly and to reply to reasoned objections. [Earlier, in February, I had quoted Ridley’s book The Evolution of Everything (2015); the quotes are in order here now: “The police have come to resemble an occupying army who see the citizenry as the enemy.” (p. 241) Yet our times have their Robin Hoods: “One of the reasons of the recent decline of violence in the U.S. may be that gangs have managed to impose slightly more order on the drug trade.” (p.238) & P. 199: Mendel’s laws “ought to have killed eugenics stone dead. Particulate inheritance and recessive genes made the idea of preventing the deterioration of the human race by selective breeding greatly more difficult and impractical.”

‘Tis strange, therefore, that selective breeding gives results with animals at all. Your views on eugenics are based on an ‘’exogenous’’ moral viewpoint, of which I suggest you try to account for ‘’endogenously’’ in a next book.

To the first sentence Matt Ridley replied:

No. Domestic animals have shorter life cycles and start with smaller populations. I carefully did not say “impossible”.

Beyond the number of people sterilized, there exist no assessments of the eugenic policies that were conducted, of their effects on the populations. Taboo. You endorse the taboo with all your heart, like a salvation-army major parading as a scientist.

(He did not say ‘’impossible,’’ as he stresses it, yet it is the impossibility, not the difficulty of a thing that kills that thing ‘’stone dead.’’ Rereading the sentence, ‘’greatly more difficult’’ seems to hint at something stated before, and in the light of his reply it would make sense that it means that eugenics is greatly more difficult than animal breeding; thus Ridley would in fact have prevented my remark, had I read more carefully, but then I have perused the whole passage again and found no object of comparison whatever.)]


Could Bolivia become the ‘Saudi Arabia of lithium’? (Al Jazeera English)

Bolivia was the Saudi Arabia of silver in colonial times, and then the Saudi Arabia of tin, but the country has remained poor.


Dear journalists worldwide, I wish to create a “Change for the Sake of Change Award” to help you sell paper. Help me help you.


Rape in India

Explain to me why mass media only report rapes when they happen in India.

Interestingly in India there are 1.8 rapes per one lakh population. USA 23.3 per lakh. European countries on an average 24 per lakh.

Yes, that makes this media practice even more questionable. Perhaps it means rape is so rare in India that India is the only country where rapes make news…

But these stats are from women who actually report rape, Asian countries are lower because the women are afraid to actually report it?

We could also imagine it’s because Asian women are consenting more… [Not to exclude first off, unless with good reasons.]


The reason why people in the U.S. smile more than people in other countries. (The Science of Us: link)

Because Americans are closer than others to chimps, for which smiling is a threat and, as capitalists, Americans like to threat one another all the time.


Some psychologists now argue it’s irresponsible to suggest a link between violent video games and mass shootings. (The Science of Us)

It’s always irresponsible to fingerpoint a lucrative business, we all know that, don’t we?

Media violence and gore exposure shifts the acting-out borderline toward the middle of the psychoticism bell curve (Eysenck). For all others, it turns them into… cowards (Kenrick & Griskevicius).

[I don’t even know why I defend these views publicly since I still watch horror movies in my fourties and I consider horror movies to be art for art’s sake…]


Are the US and France fighting the ‘War on Terror’ in Africa, or simply competing for natural resources? (Al Jazeera English)

The answer is different for each. 1/US wants the resources. 2/France has no clue whatever.


Buddhists are atheists and clerical, just as Puritans are theists and anticlerical.



One can be fleeced by a religious organization and still get more net money than others. Devout Freemasons will tell you, if you can have them speak.


The best way to silence a chicken: talk about freemasons. Hush hush…

Unite against secret societies! #RiyadhSummit May 2017

“Freemasonry is illegal in all Arab countries except Lebanon and Morocco” (Wkpd)

Freemasonry historically has been banned in authoritarian governments. @KsigMason

Secret societies have no place in transparent societies.


What, a university in Tasmania! There are universities in every backwater hole and I couldn’t get a chair!


Reading this article [by Matt Ridley–again] about obesity on The Times online, you may find it interspersed with juicy ads for junk food–depending on your cookies.


About 200 mothers breastfeed their babies at Beach Park in Fuzhou, Fujian province on Saturday to advocate the importance of breastfeeding. (People’s Daily, China)

Read Dr Robin Baker about the constitution and health losses that a bottlefed baby incurs (compared to a breastfed one), and curse the West. [See here]


What Was That Glowing Orb Trump Touched in Saudi Arabia? (SMHub News)

As the Kaaba’s Black Stone comes from outer space, perhaps the Saudis salvaged more parts from the spacecraft, like that eerie orb…


Artificial Intelligence

Pre-programmed likes and retweets, pre-defined welcome messages: Amazing the amount of interactions I’ve got with actual machines on Twitter.

Not to mention the machines that offer to tweet garbage, usually shallow quotes, for you.

Among other things, AI means millions of tweets that are bot-generated, and millions of users accepting that bots tweet in their name. [They must be millions, as one provider of such services boasts over a million customers.]

How to program your tweeting AI bot to send your prayers to future terror attack victims. Follow to know more.

Saudis take to social media to thank King Salman for successfully hosting two big summits. #RiyadhSummit (Saudi Gazette)

How to program your tweeting bot to send your deepest appreciations to King Salman for Riyadh Summit and future events. Follow to know more.

10,000 prayers a day by our AI Internet bot for your departed beloved–one month: $10, two months: $18. Feel free to ask our brochure.

Already one bot liked this tweet!

How do you know you’re not dealing with an AI tweeting bot? Answer: The guy sounds so weird.

It is good form to overlook that your interlocutor is an AI bot.

The fascinating world of Twitter Turing Test LIVE!

Make no mistake, already people are learning the practice and art of tweeting from AI tweeting bots.

Sometimes you think you’re being harassed by an otaku pervert and it’s an upbeat AI tweeting bot.

Already people are imitating AI bots on Twitter. They think like bots already!



The pronoun for a man-of-war is she.

Unless it’s a Portuguese man-of-war, in which case the pronoun is it.


The 7 Most Awkward Moments From Trump’s Israel Trip.

My favorite moment is when Trump said nothing about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.


Lazy politicians must stop telling people to work.


For previous entries in the series, see Index. May 24, 2017




Journalist at Deeper Please Mister Advertiseman (Tweet Anthology 3)

March-April 2017. When I reply to another tweet, the person’s tweet is in italics.


Women are 50% of the population.

And that’s way too much, if you ask me.


As to intellectual enrichment from cultural diversity, you don’t need immigration for that: there is internet.


Why are pandas black and white? Mystery solved! (People’s Daily, China)

It’s designed to make them cute in the eyes of humans, so that humans, especially the Chinese, don’t destroy their natural habitat wholly.


A new 10% VAT (value-added tax) + $12k UBI (universal basic income) means that net payers are those consuming more than $120,000. (Scott Santens)

Then employers can substract $1,000 to the wages they are paying today. What will prevent them from doing that? On free markets employers are free to decrease wages. UBI = windfall for employers?

Because of the ability to refuse jobs, low demand jobs would likely need to pay more or automate. (S. Santens)

On the paper the ability to refuse jobs already exists. Yet people can take jobs for reasons other than money. Employers have more than monetary leverage. Take mobility. Some years ago a carmaker shut a plant down in France and offered the workers jobs in… India. UBI doesn’t completely suppress employers’ leverage; people will keep accepting jobs if they don’t want to move.

[Giving my contender the last word:]

But everyone has more leverage as employees and greater ability to live elsewhere than they do now.

[But, as elsewhere he said #Resist:]

Resist what? You want migrants to keep coming in, knowing they have no right to a basic income in your system? [Link]


Barack and Michelle Obama celebrate their $60m book deal at NYC eatery. (Daily Mail)

$60 million for a book: the salary of politics. At least Trump did not need politics to get rich.

What are you, a communist? That is scary. Free enterprise.

You scare easily.


Do you know where your beef is from? You don’t. That’s the problem. (Tomi Lahren)

They always say “Consumer is King” but when it’s about giving him the information it’s “No, Mister King.”


CACTOPUSSY is what you’d have if Nature cared about you. Retractile.


Communism and Marxism are not interchangeable terms: cf Bakunin. There were several tendencies or currents in the “International.” One was Marxist.

H. G. Wells, the writer, and a Socialist=Communist (favorable to collectivization): “I detest Karl Marx.” (The Outlook for Homo Sapiens)


‘’Humans are better equipped to understand other humans.’’ (Quote from “5 jobs robots will take last”)

Robots can do no worse a job than my fellow humans at understanding me.


Islam ruined the left. The defense of Islam is irony. (Maga Trumpgirl)

Women ruined the right.


Democrats now calling Tucker Carlson a Russian spy for Putin! This is McCarthyism & Americans will not forget it!

McCarthy was a Republican. Republicans spend their time burying their dead.


What if ‘’nongenetic’’ inheritance through telegony is true? [A recent scientific confirmation] Then people will base their decisions on a whole new set of considerations, won’t they? For instance, mating with a virgin lass will become essential (again).

What if telegony works in humans: are paternity tests valid? [A discrepancy might be due to telegony rather than cuckoldry.] [On telegony, with reference to Darwin, Konrad Lorenz, Otto Weininger, see my post here; German]


Is it haram or halal to eat pork from Memphis Meats, which is engineered from cells and not coming from actual animals?

They are making no pork yet (only chicken and duck) but is it worth their money investing in pork?

In some Muslim nations it is offensive just mentioning pork.

OK. Is it halal to eat any meat for which no animal was slaughtered, given the fact Muslims practice ritual slaughter? [Fatwa impending.]


Would it be ethical to engineer human flesh in that way, without killing people? [Memphis Meats makes meat from animal cells, without animals being actually slaughtered.] Cannibals say human flesh is the best, tasty even in the absence of seasoning (cf Sidney Langford Hinde, The Fall of the Congo Arabs, 1897).


“We are our choices” Sartre. So we’re made by advertising?


If immigration lowers IQ in the West (Nyborg), as a rule conservatives and far-right people have the same effect (Kanazawa).


There is such a thing as honorable behavior and it can be highly adaptive under the right circumstances. (Dr David Sloan Wilson)

Adaptive is making money; being an underpaid professor is not. Why do brainiacs choose not to make as much money as they are believed to be able to?


Automation now. Rather politician machines than machine politicians.


Until you make paternity tests compulsory by law:


Free trade and free markets are two distinct concepts. Singapore is a staunch advocate of free trade and yet hardly a free-market economy.


The robot industry is hiring. Do you have the skills? (Robohub)

No. People don’t want to be robots anymore. Get yourselves a few illegal immigrants.


I’d give away 10 Jean-Paul Gaultier for one veil like that. #Uyghur


This is the burger-flipping robot of the future.

Never a particle of nasal mucus (or worse) has been found on the hands of a burger-flipping robot. #Health


Octopuses and squids can rewrite their RNA. Is that why they’re so smart?

Animals are smart but I guess the biologists who torture them in their labs are smarter.


Living up to the Great Alpha Cannibal Ape God’s expectations.


(A female user commenting on Wall Street Journal article ‘’Young women in China go under the knife to get the ‘online-star face’: big eyes, long nose, high forehead and sharp chin’’) Sad. POTUS makes women feel even worse about themselves too. Misogyny amplifies dysmorphic disorders in women.

And dysmorphic disorders in women amplify misogyny.


(Commenting on ‘’This HuffPost article argues that white men should have their voting rights stripped & property redistributed’’) Un-fu*kingbelievable. (Dr Kevin MacDonald)

It’s all scam. Horrified you turn to the ad page and it’s so soothing you’ll buy the product out of sheer gratitude. [Kevin McDonald like this tweet.]


Chinese authorities “sinicising” Muslims by forcing them to remove Arabic signs. (Fahri Uyghur)

If they allow people in the region to learn Arabic, who will ever want to learn written Chinese, that unpractical system born of an elitist, exclusive mandarin caste?

Look at a typical mainland Chinese keyboard: a good old QWERTY US 104 Keyboard Layout. lol!


The good thing with aging is that you don’t need makeup anymore to look like Alice Cooper with makeup.


This deal [Iran-China on Arak heavy water reactor] worries me. The more I read, the more I think China is going to rule the world in the 21st Century.

Why not? They promised to stop eating dogs.


These Nigerian women are turning plastic bags into fashion accessories. (Al Jazeera English)

For those interested I turn fashion accessories into plastic bags. Contact me.


IQ tests measure your robot aptitudes, for which the robots are there that will do much better than you (left-hemisphere literacy). Worthless.


With a few well-known movies Hollywood sugarcoated US intervention in Vietnam. On neocortex plane it’s like “war is bad” but on paleocortex plane it’s truly war is beautiful and exciting and fun.


Disraeli was a Jewish white supremacist.


“States fall, arts fade – but Nature doth not die.” – Byron

Nature is overrated, in my opinion.


Why would God choose one people over all the others He created? Is He deranged?


For previous Tweet Anthologies entries, see Index.

April 23, 2017











