Tagged: memes

Invasion of the Subhuman Politicos (Tweetantho 8)

August-September 2017


A lot of people don’t like Hitler because he gave their ideas a bad name.


Scientists have been able to show that the short-term immune response to an immediate parasite attack typically is costly in energy. … Chickens reared in germ-free environments enjoy about a 25 percent gain in body weight compared to those raised in conventional environments.” (Robert Trivers, The Folly of Fools, 2011). I call the attention of Skræling Hippie to this finding. If true, then the well-named Skræling Hippie was reared amidst maximum germ load to become naturally strong and only got exhausted, couldn’t build flesh and bone.


It is cool how the sun is 400 times bigger and 400 times farther away than the moon allowing the almost perfect overlap. I love coincidences. (J. Parker)

If a mathematician estimated the probability for this, he’d probably conclude it’s so minute that you can rule out the fact…


Abaya On Ice: Two Qatari Women Iceskating. Doha City Center Mall, Qatar, Aug 2017.


Ah Paris (capital of la France), its grosses pétasses… Paris so romantic as a finger in the a**


Chinese-American actress Chloe Bennet voices for equal rights in Hollywood. (People’s Daily, China)

“Hollywood… wouldn’t cast her with a last name that made them ‘uncomfortable.’” Everything that sounds foreign makes an American uncomfortable.

U.S. is the major Western country with least media correspondents abroad. Adamantly isolationist in their heads and yet interventionist in fact! My source: “U.S. citizens are generally at a disadvantage in understanding foreign policy. Some is due to indifference because of its two protective oceans. Some arises from the extraordinary fact that the United States, the world’s only superpower, has fewer correspondents permanently stationed in foreign capitals than any other major Western nation. The result for U.S. media is a remarkably small pool of expertise on foreign culture and politics within their own organizations.” (Ben H. Bagdikian, The New Media Monopoly, 2004)


En su libro de 2006 ‘Historia general de al-Andalus’ niega [Emilio González Ferrín] la invasión islámica de 711 y la Reconquista. (Ibn Maher Kabak)

La imposibilidad material de la invasión tal como descrita en las crónicas árabes fue sacada por Ignacio Olagüe (La revolución islámica en Occidente, 1974) de los escritos del general Edouard Brémond, “el Lawrence francés”. Las crónicas árabes hablan de la conquista como de un milagro, y de veras, examinando a lo dicho, sí que lo fuese… En realidad, el islam unitario encontro terreno fértil en el arrianismo unitario mayoritario en España contra una minoría trinitaria opresora. En Córdoba capital del espíritu Roger Garaudy sigue a Olagüe: “En el siglo 8 lo que se introduce en Europa no son los árabes, sino el Islam.” (Sin embargo, Garaudy no sigue Olagüe a proposito de la origen preislámica de la mezquita de Córdoba.) Y, respecto a la llamada Reconquista, como lo escribe Olagüe ¿puede hablarse de reconquista cuando duró 800 años y la conquista árabe supuestamente sólo un par de años?…

Con los godos se introdujo el arrianismo, que más tarde fue perseguido por los propios reyes godos. Los “árabes” de la “invasión” fueron bereberes de la provincia goda de África del norte, la Tingitana: soldados norteafricanos mandados por godos en socorro del arrianismo español.


Experts estimate there are still thousands of unexploded WWII bombs in Germany: 60.000 people were evacuated in this Frankfurt neighborhood in Sept. 2017 to allow for the diffusion of a massive bomb. (Al Jazeera English)

The biggest problem may be, if recent research on the progress of the Third Reich’s nuclear program is right, a couple of nuclear reactors rotting underground…


Britons are convinced that the aim of their empire was to grant colored people access to reading Peter Pan by James Barrie.


According to anthropologists Draper & Harpending, girls raised by single moms are promiscuous. (Source: “The anthropologists Patricia Draper and Henry Harpending found a strong correlation between a woman’s mating strategy and the degree to which she experienced paternal investment during childhood. On average, women raised in a home without the presence of an investing father pursue an ‘opportunistic’ reproductive strategy, which is characterized by early sexual activity, multiple partners, and early and frequent reproduction in the context of short-term relationships.” David Buller, Adapting Minds, 2005)

You now know where to find and get ’em, boys!

Draper & Harpending concludes that the absence of an investing father gives the girl clues of a polygamous world, rather than to give fun-seeking boys clues of fewer obstacles. And for sure – what obstacle is a Christian dad?


A message of hope to Zios: According to latest research, there is no fatality in being subhumans. You can improve. #Palestine


It is estimated that 27 million people around the world are enslaved today, 80 percent being sex workers (Bin Jelmood House, Mshreireb Museums, Doha). That makes 21.6M sex slaves in the world, typically women forced into prostitution by maffias. – And yet men are monogamous? Taking an average of 10 clients per day (which for these slaves – perhaps contrary to voluntary prostitutes – may even be low), that makes 216M men served each day. At this rate it takes current sex slaves about 17 days to serve the entire male population of the world (3.8 billion). Less than 2 weeks if you substract little boys from potential clients.

From another source, 40 to 42 million prostitutes would be at work. According to Global Perspectives on Prostitution, 43% of prostitutes receive more than 8 clients per day, 47% between 5 and 8, 10% between 1 and 4.

The average annual income of a US prostitute would be $290,000 ($24,165 per month) => to their pimps! This is 3.6 times the mean income of a US white household ($80,000), thus 7.2 times that of a white person.


U.S. Mean Household Income (source Wkpd): Asian $90,752/White $79,340. White is about 0.85 of Asian. Who’s the boss now?

To whites who want to end Affirmative Action: Don’t saw off the branch we’re sitting on, we’ll be craving for it soon!


The world makes too much bread. A 1/3 of US bread goes to waste & surplus factory output is killing small bakeries. (K. Rutkowski)

What if the aim is to kill small bakeries? Is there anything they can do but die?


A thought on T.E. Lawrence, “Lawrence of Arabia.” It is peculiar that the survivor of so many war events died on a quiet Dorset road–en route to discussing plans for meeting Hitler.


At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance, by Danielle L. McGuire. (United Black Books)

At the street’s dark end, raping a black woman is less conspicuous. Knowledge for prevention.


Focus on what matters and let go of what doesn’t. [An example among zillions of the kind of shallow wisdom bots flood Twitter with]

Sometimes I’m afraid to become a bot.

One day I’m going to kill a bot.

Now a bot may ban me for what I’ve just said. Remember the Japanese guy with his mosquito. [A Japanese user was banned from Twitter for tweeting death threats to a mosquito roaming his room and then posting a photo of the dead mosquito. It was said he had been banned according to the standard procedure, that is, by a bot following the algorithm.]

That would be the first time banishing a user is justified from the bot’s point of view. Sort of AI self-defense. [PS. I wasn’t banned.]


Free markets are the spin by which our privileged legitimate their privileges. But they don’t exist except as spin.


Hekmet Fahmy the Egyptian belly dancer who spied for the Third Reich. link


It has taken the coalition two years to reconquer half the territories ISIS had conquered in –how long?– a couple of weeks?


Prince William escorts Prince George to his first day of school, just like his mom Princess Diana escorted him in 1987. (Today)

Prince William is not Prince George’s mom, though. What was Prince George’s mommy doing, may I ask?

First day of school? Snow on the ground? September…London… [A detective commenting on the picture with Princess Diana escorting her son William. Answer from another user:] Thought that was odd but when I checked his first day was in January for some reason.

And was his last day in January too for some reason? The very same day for some reason? Would the reason be that Prince William never went to school and remained at the royal palace but they needed to make a picture showing that he was going to school with other kids?


Over 366,000 people have signed a petition demanding Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel Peace Prize be revoked over violence against Rohingya Muslims. (AJ+)

How do you know she won’t get a second Nobel Peace Prize over Rohingya issue as it is dealt with now?

I don’t think anyone would reward her for staying silent.

Only wait until Israel is the one deciding who’s to get the Nobel Peace Prize.


Wall Street => Wailing Wall Street. Source: Presidente Juan José Arévalo (Fábula del tiburón y las sardinas, 1956) #Guatemala #antiimperialista


Number of legal terminated pregnancies in U.S. in 1996: 1.36M. U.S. population in 1996: 270M. That’s about 1 abortion for every 100 women (all ages). I don’t know the U.S. age pyramid exactly but as a guesstimate that would make one abortion for every 65-70 fertile women. Each year.

Number of births in U.S. in 1996: 3.9M. 3.9/1.36 = 2.8 = birth-to-abortion ratio, that is, one abortion for every 2.8 births.


China’s Economy Will Overtake the US in 2018. (Forbes) / The EU economy is larger than that of the US. Does that make the EU the global leader – in anything? Aggregate statistics simply aggregate. (Salvatore Babones, author of American Tianxia: Chinese Money, American Power and the End of History, 2017)

EU isn’t as integrated, remains a largely fictitious entity.

I don’t know what statistics they’re using. In PPP terms it’s already larger. In F/X terms much smaller. But that doesn’t really mean much. (Babones)

It means America will have to teach her children that the first economy in the world (as to GDP ppp) is communist, atheistic, undemocratic China.

Total GDP really isn’t a meaningful statistic, but if you really think that China is the world’s leading economy, more power to you! (Babones)

It seems that GDP is meaningful when U.S. is the first world GDP and it isn’t meaningful when U.S. is first no more. Besides, it’s the trends. U.S. has just been taken over. Give it a little time.

Do you know these figures from U.S. on Asian vs White income ? U.S. Mean Household Income: Asian $90,752 / White $79,340. Chinese communities overseas are an asset for China, no doubt. On the other hand, there are no Yankee communities overseas. Also, China’s IQ is 105, US’s is 98. & China’s IQ is still crippled by poverty and –although it is improving fast– backward education (both exerting developmental strains on individuals).


Looting begins in Florida. Rest assured, any bookshops will be completely safe. (Paul Joseph Watson, of Prison Planet, legending a photo showing blacks looting a shoe store in an area evacuated due to impending hurricane)

Well, this is looting but the goods are going to be damaged by water if no one removes them, and I’m sure the owners are insured for flood. Insurances will pay for the damages made by the hurricane, looting or not. So the true name for this looting is windfall. The goods are lost for everyone who doesn’t take them, and insurance will pay for flood damages, looting or not.

Windfall is routine business practice. Let me give you an example: You organize a show but it’s cancelled due to a hurricane. Customers are entitled to a refund but not all ask for it: windfall. Many businesses will get windfall from Hurricane Irma: tickets preordered, money cashed in, shows cancelled, refund waived by many. Jackpot.

[As a user told me the “loopholes” I described were not the same as looting, I added the following] Many businesses cancel shows after a terror attack – for what reason? For people ask no refund because of commotion. I’m not talking of businesses impacted by an attack, but of venues sometimes dozens of kilometers away. Canceling all their shows for a week or ten days! Yet the government said nothing, only to be careful… Jackpot! Multiball!


Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi removed from Interpol wanted list. (Al Jazeera English)

How many people are on Interpol’s wanted list for no good reason?


Primatologist Frans de Waal isn’t overly subtle: He imputes the state of Ceausescu’s orphanages, in Romania, to John B. Watson and American behaviorism. [The Age of Empathy, 2009, pp. 13-4]

Enron’s CEO, Jeff Skilling –now in prison– was a great fan of Richard Dawkins’s The Selfish Gene” (Frans de Waal, Ibid.) lol All geniuses are misunderstood; apparently, not all the misunderstood are geniuses.

In his books influential primatologist Frans de Waal spreads, in passing, the canard about lampshades made of Jews’ skin by German manufacturers. [He does in his above quoted book at least.]

Frans de Waal the influential primatologist: “In 2007 Time selected him as one of the world’s hundred most influential people.” #lampshades


How come today Darwinians say the exact opposite of Darwinians yesterday? Cf. William Chapple’s The Fertility of the Unfit, 1903. There’s a Darwinian contradiction in terms in such a book’s title, which a Darwinian couldn’t fail to see, and yet they endorsed the paradox. As if they saw something to which today’s Darwinians, back to basic primatology, are blind. On the other hand, if instead of relying on male dominance models we rely on homogamy models, the contradiction is solved.

It turns out Frans de Waal, again, is largely responsible for that “back to basic primatology” movement I have been talking about. On this phrase, first, it is a way of speaking, of course: Primatology has made great progress since the days of eugenicism. But what is new also is the dubious application of primate alpha male dominance models to human societies, according to which high-status men are the equivalent of alpha gorillas in their gorilla harems. And here Frans de Waal is alleged to have played a major role: “Now, if the evidence for the claim that females prefer high-status males is as weak as I’ve made out, why is the claim so widely accepted? I think the reason is that we are captivated by a particular picture of the relation between sex and status among our primate relatives, and this picture affects our perception of human mating. It is widely accepted that among non-human primates high-status males have greater mating success than males lower in the status hierarchy. This belief is due partly to the popularity of the engaging work of the primatologist Frans de Waal, who has been one of the main purveyors of this idea.” (David Buller, Adapting Minds, 2005)


Right-wingers are “the unfit” eugenicists warned about. Hard-working, they say. What is it that makes work so hard for them if not their genetic deficiency?


Avocados sold in France as coming from Colombia in fact come from Israel. Good news: BDS is working. [This tweet and the few next ones are basically retweets of pictures and short videos from French user Opération Boycott, who photographed fraudulent labels in various department stores around the country. The misleading labels are aimed at concealing that the products come from Israel. I won’t post all pictures, as I don’t find the vegetables corner of a department store to be a particularly exciting place. Sorry. Feel free to pay a visit to Opération Boycott’s Twitter page.]

Avocados sold in France as coming from Chili and yet they come from Israel. Are people nauseated by Israeli avocados?

People are so nauseated by Israeli products that stores in France sell Israeli avocados as coming from Spain.

Fraudsters a gogo: Big poster origin Mexico, small label (true) origin Israel.

People are so nauseated by Israeli products that Jaffa mandarins from Israel are sold as being from France. Frenchie thinks he’s supporting local production and in fact he buys Israeli mandarins unbeknownst to him… Psha! / C’est grave. Le client qui pense acheter local pour soutenir la production locale en fait achète des produits israéliens !/

Fraudster Madness. These oranges are labelled both “Products of France” & “Israel Imports.” Consumer is king so they drive him crazy.

If you tell the consumer a product is from Israel it will make her want to vomit, so you sell Israeli avocados as coming from Spain.

Now you will see why they fraudulently resort to fake labels on products from nauseating Israel:


The word meme, coined by Richard Dawkins, is so pointless that only the far right uses it.

Picture of Dr Richard Dawkins thinking hard about memes:

“Nor does culture consist of ideas (also called #memes) that parasitize minds independent of psychological (biological) adaptation, as certain biologists [aka Dick Dawkins] have claimed.” (Thornhill & Palmer 2000)


They say sport (as circus show) is a good catharsis to nationalist sentiments. I say sport feeds nationalist sentiments => The Soccer War of 1969.


[Panda] Qiao Yi has good table manners: after milk, let nanny wipe her mouth and be a clean girl again. (iPanda)

Why give milk to pandas and, as we do, to cats when biologists tell us only humans have gene for lactose tolerance after weaning?

Picture: Lactose-intolerant hedgehog and cat sharing a cup of milk. I’m not saying biologists are wrong but… it’s bluffing.


Reclaiming America’s Values” (an article by Joe Biden in New York Times)

This propaganda picture is so appealing to Americans because it subliminally depicts anal sex between two men.

The shaft is also the front man’s prick, with which he’s penetrating something or rather someone concealed to the viewer, thrusting doggy-style.

Five guys to raise a flag… and yet they only see the front man’s buttocks. American pervs.

It’s known the picture was made up and the guys were posing. Yet few realize it doesn’t take five guys fondling each other to raise a flagpole like the one shown. This is homoerotic porn in the guise of patriotic propaganda.


In our series We Learn from Fascists, today: Gini coefficient. From Corrado Gini, founder of the Fascist Central Institute of Statistics, 1927.

In our series Patented in the Third Reich, today : maglev (magnetic levitation). Hermann Kemper, 1934, Reichspatent Nummer 643316.


Is it proven that my genes can better replicate overall while I’m alive than when I’m back to dust?


The aim of love is not reproduction but love songs.


Científica mexicana Leticia Corral corrige a Stephen Hawking y recibe reconocimiento mundial. (Perfecto)

Sin embargo, igual que Hawking ella postula un universo finito (tiene forma de), lo que llama la pregunta absurda: ¿Qué hay más alla del universo? De lo que hablan no deberían llamarlo universo (“el todo”) sino una provincia. Tal vez una autonomía, a mí eso no me importa.

Hawking y otros se sirven de las matemáticas para hacer metafísica. Es original.

Para la lógica más allá del todo no hay nada, para la física hay “la” nada, es decir un espacio, con ciertas propiedades. Y el todo penetra la nada.

Como en realidad no puede pensarse ni un universo finito ni un universo infinito, en realidad el espacio no es una propiedad objetiva del universo.

Si no pensamos sin contradicciones (Gödel), lo que intuimos y pensamos no es la natura ya que ésta no puede contradecirse sin dejar de ser.


There are two ways of being antinationalist: being a globalist or being a nationalist (anti all others except MY sweet sweet dear Nation). Think of nationalist champion Viktor Orban (Hungary): He’s against an Austrian law favoring Austrian workers in Austria. You bet he is!


Malaysia’s first ever craft beer festival was axed because of a direct Islamist militant threat to the event (Newsweek)

Some want to make Muslim countries accept beer festivals but would they accept muezzin calls in Western cities?


Invasion of the subhuman politicos – Who can stop the slime flood?


Democracy in Europe is all about criminalizing dissent. No more censorship bureaus but more and more laws criminalizing speech. Holocaust-denial laws, on the way Israel-slandering laws, &c. Censorship bureaus have been replaced by lobbying for speech-criminalizing bills being passed by Congress. The lobbies and Congresses of the world will drive us to that society where only AI bots can talk.


Dark matter makes up most of the universe but we can only detect it from its gravitational effects, no one knows whats creating the gravity. (J. Parker)

In fact dark matter is one more ad hoc theorization aimed at squaring inconvenient facts => theoretical glut.


Good find:

“Islamic rage boy” is an obvious agent provocateur of a cyberage kind, paid by Israel, India or others.

Look at ubiquous Islamic Rage Boy compared with Muslim protesters around him. He’s a scam. Islamic Rage Boy has been selected by his paymasters (Mossad or others) for his ugly, alarming grimaces.


Politicos are turds, journos are turds, and yet democracy’s good? => mierdocracia (Ernesto Cardenal)


No one remembers Lionel Jospin (Prime Minister of France 1997-2002) and yet the man, first was stoned by Arabs in Jerusalem, then was beaten by Jean-Marie Le Pen at elections.


Franco was harsh with Catalans? What about French parliamentarism with French Catalan provinces? Catalan rooted out: Frenchied their a**!


Hastag Games

#UnlikelyRoyalBabyNames [Context: A new royal baby on the way in UK]

Adolf (Or is it a likely name?) [cf Edward VIII]

Moron the Great

Bashir Yusuf. Still unlikely.

Dirty Diana




Covfefe MAGA IrmaHurricane Israel


Podesta Knobster Risotto #AutocorrectARecipe [For a refresher see Tweetantho 1]


God save the Queen #TalkLikeAPirateDay



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Eugenics and Euthanasia


Tweet Anthology

This is an anthology of my tweets from September to December 2016. Feel free to follow me on Twitter: @florboucharel.

When one of my tweets is actually a reply to another tweet, which content is needed for a good understanding, the preceding tweet is in italics. I name the author when this is relevant, either because the person is known or the source is another media. My tweet then follows below it.

Don’t be surprised, if you count characters, to see that some of the tweets are longer than the 140 characters allowed on Twitter: I have rewritten a few of them in accordance to standard spelling (no abbreviations left).

September 2016

Automated jobs aren’t coming back. What’s going to take their place?

A leisure shock… and some won’t survive it.


Leisure Shrine. From oil rent to robot rent: A new economic strategy for Gulf States to prevent toil shock.


Most absurd: Corporate bureaucracies on social networks, rigidly unilateral, pretending to be interactive.


Looks like humanities majors are the college grads taking the “non-college” jobs.

Yet companies are STILL interested in recruiting humanities majors. (They’ve been saying that for the last 50 years.)


Adidas releases images of the shoes that will be made in its super automated “speedfactory.”

The end of China’s ascent?


Automating the Gulf: “Robots are no Shiites, alhamdulillah.”


Hawking: “AI could spell end of human race.” Oscar Wilde: “The only thing one really knows about human nature is that it changes.”


Heard that, Trump supporters: Donald wants America to look more like Dubai.

The only interesting idea in this campaign trail so far.


Brexit. Self-fulfilling prophecies & self-filled prophets. Vide Dali, Young virgin auto-sodomized by the horns of her own chastity.


JASTA. Just Another Stupid Thing from America.


Chancellor Cantor on @Rutgers_Newark students: “I’m spending my time with the future of this country and this world.”



JASTA aka jestA, Just Another Silly Thingummy from America.


JASTA. Brotha, when you take commercial airplanes in your face, you should know it’s no time for jasting.

October 2016

Everyone should do what they can to insure Hillary’s win. Any disagreements are pale compared to the alternative. (Dr David S. Wilson)

What happens to the grades of those of your students who do not dislike Trump, I wonder… Regards.

Stupid innuendo based on no information. Can you stoop any lower?

Based on elementary psychology.


Trumpbashing. Scholars in election fuss: Students taken hostages.


Job Outsourcing by Multinationals. Everybody knows… but nobody knows who.


John Podesta made a characteristically bourgeois jab at Assange (‘’I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassy.’’)

Derogatory comments on Ecuadorian cuisine are odious hate speech.

After election: How does the risotto taste now, John Podesta?


Clinton Foundation extorts $1m from Qatar for being a military dwarf.


It reminds me of the comments before Brexit. They all “knew”… Such experts… Are they friends of yours?


To all commentators of American elections: Are Brexit commentators friends of yours?


To the brainwashed: Vote Hillary Clinton.


Please support the “Preserve Endangered Saudi Way of Life” campaign.



From Brexit to Election 2016. To those who see Donald Trump as dead man walking: Don’t tell me Brexit commentators are your mentors!

Brexit has proved intelligentsia is moron-entsia. They fail to deliver.

“It won’t pass” was the word until the very morning of June 24. To a man. Do you realize?


After Brexit the word was “UK’s economy will crash.” To a man. And now: Two banks cancel Brexit recession forecasts (Financial Times).


To the brainwashed: Vote Hillary Clinton.


Experts as Failures: From Brexit to Election 2016. [That was before the results and it has turned true, hasn’t it?]


“My dream is a hemispheric common market.” (Hillary Clinton) Does it include Russia?


A reminder to the brainwashed: Vote Hillary Clinton.


Brexit is a shame… upon “analysts” – who saw nothing coming and now keep silent about their resounding failure. Next: Election 2016.


No To Show Girls.

Saudi Arabia spearheads movement against commercial exploitation of women. Thumb up.


People who bet are losers to begin with. As a meritocrat you should know that [to Dr Erik Brynjolfson, who regularly gave his followers the odds of Trump winning Election 2016. If I remember well, Trump’s odds never rose above 20 or 25 per cent.]

What is the merit of making one’s fortune on a bet, that is, on luck?


Audience in Charlotte gives Trump a standing ovation when he says if companies like Ford ship out jobs, he’d pick up phone.

The way for DonaldTrump to really know about such moves as president is to adopt Senator Gary Peters’s outsourcing accountability bill. [For more on that bill, see here.]


Your staff [Julian Assange] has retweeted an article in French saying Wikileaks publishes “stolen” docs. I thought you had a line on word use. Regards. [No reply but the tweet was removed.]


Hollywood has eyes for Snowden only. Not for Julian Assange. Any idea why?

November 2016

I donated 100 euros to Wikileaks through Wau-Stiftung via PayPal but got no thanks nor feedback. Off-putting.


Watch Donna Brazile’s remake of the Bloods vs the Cribs. She’s one of the Cribs.


Clinton Foundation extorts $28m from Morocco for being a military dwarf.


Funniest b-movie ever: Dr Clinton and Mrs Riggs.


Doonald (دونالد) like Doonald from MakDoonaldz (ماكدونالدز).



About Podesta mail “Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp. . . . Crush him as hard as you can.” (Wikileaks)

It’s only politicos’ crappy backroom rethoric. Nonsubject.


Is media buzz on Twitter’s financial situation a concerted operation against Wikileaks, shying people away from leaks exposure?


I suggest Clinton Foundation may benefit privately from the American military shield to these countries [Qatar, Morocco, &c].


If these polls are based on interviews, given media Trumpbashing many people must be reluctant to say they will vote Trump. But they will. [And they did.]


Eh, Conservatives, stop boasting of your marital status and children. It’s boasting.


Californians, we have to stand up and protect our plastic bag ban. Vote Yes on 67! (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nov. 7)

Presidential elections are so boring!


Many say they wanna go to Canada. Let them spend one winter there. They’ll come back, or live on their yachts, like sea vagrants.


A reaction to a tweet alleging that the media wanted Trump to win and made him win:

If the media did, it did it in a very very oblique way, like they knew insulting someone would get them elected.


Obama’s Kill List

They had a man on their kill list, sent a drone attaking his car, the man was not alone in the car, they all died.

The kill list means the man on the list plus any person crazy enough to take a ride with him (even hitchers).

So let us know the people on the kill list so we can save our lives.


HRC got 89% of Black vote, 71% of Jewish vote, 63% of Hispanic vote, 55% of Asian vote, 40% of White vote (including Jewish vote).

Don’t forget historic volumes of dead, inelligible, & duplicate votes… clinton won a 100% of those!

May the dead rest in peace now.

Given 1/20 Jews (and some Arabs) among Whites in U.S., this 40% White vote makes a maximum of 36.5% “Wasp” vote for HRC.

At about 65% for Trump, Wasp vote (although that includes Catholics and others) is clearly becoming communautarist in U.S.


Last December, Boris Johnson said, “The only reason I wouldn’t go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.” (Richard Dawkins)

Why, he goes to the same places as billionaire Trump!


Newsweek recalls 125000 copies of its magazine whose cover shows Clinton winning the US presidential election.

Don’t blame them: They did all that to avoid totalitarianism in U.S. (Kidding.)


Big Brother Julian is watching you. Don’t mess around with the future for the sake of present vested interests.

Big Brother Julian is watching you. Anything to hide? Don’t even think of it.


As Trump Leaves Press Behind for Steak Dinner …the press that vilified him whines. (James Woods)

Don’t go out for a steak without throwing bones to journalists.

Donald Trump prefers his steak well down AKA the worst possible way. (The Huffington Post)

And how do you like the bones, journalists?


Thank you for coming to see us! We hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we enjoyed showing your our new museum galleries, Arnold Schwarzenegger! (Richard Nixon Library)

I always hated that the justice warriors of those days called themselves Deep Throat, boasting their equities in porn.


Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon R. Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats.’ (Kevin MacDonald)

He’s got baseball bats in the belfry.


To Richard Dawkins: The reason U.S. is so strong in science is the freedom the people there have not to believe in it.


As about all other media were sycophants for the other candidate, Wikileaks is part of checks and balances, I guess.

Make no mistake, what’s “wrong” with Wikileaks is not that it advanced the fortunes of a candidate, but of the wrong one.

Wikileaks should acknowledge that it did its best to undermine HRC’s candidacy. And that it worked mighty well.


Montebourg as minister wanted to induce companies to relocalize in France with subsidies to automatize.

Relocalizing is not necessarily about jobs, it can be about productivity.


Meet Lakshmi, the banking robot from Chennai.

We now know banking can be made by robots. The sooner robots replace bankers the better. My heartfelt thanks to Lakshmi! [Of course I’m joking, Lakshmi only replies to customers’s queries at your local branch. And yet…]


Israel’s ‘Helicopter #Drone Gift’ to #Russia makes USA uneasy. Fearing exposing of its technology, USA demands explanation from Israel. (Newscast Pratashya)

Explanation may be the drone was U.S.’s gift to Israel to begin with, so USA might as well demand explanations to themselves.


We cannot afford to lose the war on poverty.

We’ve afforded it all right for the last couple of million years.


‘Meme’ is a useless word (see Randy Thornhill). Or it only means: a word as its occurrence is quantified on WWW.

December 2016

I published classic poetry and threw my free-verse poetry & now I’m appalled because I may have been successful with the latter.

I wouldn’t have minded success from my free-verse poetry…

…but I burnt it all… for the sake of what I would call an ideology of classicism.


I wish the Chinese had taken my job away.


“Dutch Disease”: When oil/gas abounds, manufacture declines. People just hate working.

Robotics is like oil: a ‘Dutch disease.’ & contrary to oil it is here to stay.


Merkel says ‘only right’ to expect multinationals to pay taxes. (Saudi Gazette)

It’s more common to give them tax breaks so they invest in your country. What can Merkel do about that? Nuffin, poor thing.


There are 3.5 million cashier jobs in the United States.

And many of them are discourteous whereas machines are always polite.

Many cashiers are discourteous whereas machines are always polite. Have you noticed?

I see there’s an issue with manners & eye-rolling. The solution: Machines.


Civil servants are human “expert systems.” We don’t need them anymore.


Retweet if you think Gen. Mattis must keep his bags under the eyes and not have them removed them surgically like so many others.

He’s got the bags under the eyes for the job.


BMW’s current campaign is about “driving pleasure,” but it’s soon over. With the ascent of self-driving cars we won’t let people drive, it’s too dangerous.

Self-driving cars will put an end to traffic death toll, on the proviso that men stop driving altogether.


Yesterday they were saying: “Obama POTUS is the account with most followers on Twitter.” Today…

…they say: “What’s that President who thinks like tweeting?!”


How does he have time for a radio show, golf, touring AND doing all these interviews?! Heck, we’re not complaining! (Nights with Alice) [About Night with Alice: ”Top-notch classic rock radio show hosted by THE Alice Cooper”]

Golf is decadent. [Through all his career, Alice Cooper was called by some a decadent. Now he is playing golf, that was overlooking the one-man moral lobby that I am, for which it is golf that is decadent.]


Tourists disappointed as strike closes Eiffel Tower for second day.

French office of tourism has issued an apology: “To all kind foreigners who’re visiting us: Pucker up, you can kiss my a**’’

EiffelTower goes dark in solidarity with people of Aleppo. (Saudi Gazette)

The personnel at Eiffel Tower have been on strike (cf one of your earlier tweets). Maybe they cut the power too?


Mexico uncovers tunnels leading to US. (Bangkok Post)

This is a reminder for Donald Trump to build the wall, all right, but deep enough.

And I mean real deep, like you can’t go deeper without being dipped in the melted core of the earth.

After that, to detect illegals check if they’ve got bottoms like baboons’.


Are we talking about the same cyberattack where it was revealed that head of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to the debate? (Donald Trump)

Donna Brazile was the cheating crib.

At school they told me cribs are bad. I wish I’d never listened to them coz I’d be candidate to U.S. elections by now.